What is the Compensation for Victims of Crime Program?

The Compensation for Victims of Crime program provides compensation to victims who suffer personal injury, hardships or expenses as a result of certain crimes. These crimes are outlined in the Victims’ Rights Regulation of The Victims’ Bill of Rights. The program is also available to specific relatives and dependants of victims of homicide in Manitoba.

Designated Offences Regulation

Some of the designated crimes include criminal negligence, attempted murder, manslaughter, dangerous operation (of a vehicle) causing death, driving impaired causing death, among others. To see the entire list of offences, view the Designated Offences Regulation here

If someone has been injured as a result of a crime, or someone is an immediate family member of a person killed due to a crime, that person may be entitled to compensation. People may also be compensated if they were injured while helping a police officer or while trying to prevent a crime.

To apply for compensation, the offender does not need to have been caught. However, a formal report must be made to the police.

This information was gathered directly from Manitoba Department of Justice. For more information, please visit https://www.gov.mb.ca/justice/vs/cvc/index.html 

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